
Sunday, May 28, 2006


Kok kayanya postingan gw terakhir yellow mellow gak jelas gitu yah...abis sediih banget sih bakal ninggalin Champaign 3 hari lagi... Plus, packing, mensortir barang mana yang dibawa pulang mana yang dibuang, sambil mengenang2 gak jelas bikin sedikity wishy-washy ajah. Eniwei...terus kemarin malem denger kalo Jogja gempa. Since nobody from home called me, I assumed everything was ok. Made efforts to call home, but the connection was bad. When I finally got hold of my mom, she said everything was ok. Just minor damages at my uncle's home in Gedongkiwo, somewhere in the South side of the city. The latest info I got was that two people from that area passed away. My aunt's home in Bulaksumur (the North side) was ok, just some things breaking but nothing major. My parents place in Kotagede (the West) was ok too. Good thing my mom was at home in Jakarta, and my dad was in Taipei - so they were safe & sound. I can imagine how panicked my mom would have been, had she been there. My cousins and their children did have to evacuate for some time, but they headed back home by night and slept outdoors. So I'm glad my family is in good shape. Some bad news however, the home of Pak Tamar (the man who kindly waits on our house) was destroyed. Good think he was ok, though.

Coming home I expected to take a good long vacation in Jogja. Now it seems, it wont be too much of a vacation. It would be too depressing to see the wreck and devastation in this charming little city. I can't believe something so fatal could happen to a place so familiar to me. The place where I used to spend nearly all my Christmases, where I once (for a short time) struggled to memorize Pancasila and went crazy studying ha-na-ca-ra-ka, as well as where I meet with all my beloved relatives. Especially my adorable yet crazy nephews who were the first creatures on my mind last night. I wonder how they felt experiencing this state of chaos. Were they tired, scared, sad, or cold? Knowing them I'd think some would've been excited rather than depressed. Well a good thing about coming home soon is that I'll be able to see all the damage in person, and maybe be of help. And hopefully I can still run abound with these three vicious yet lovable creatures:

bagas & enggar, dicekik sama medha...aiiih!

My prayers go to all those who suffered from this quake. May departed souls find peace in their new home. And may the devastated find virtue from this crisis.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Spring flowers

Lifeless are the spring flowers in my living room
Their colors faded
Dry and crippled
Breath sucked away

This is the end of a story
A journey
Of hopes
Of pursuits

Yet beauty remains
In shape
In form
In the wishes they once brought

Like memories engraved
Of success and failure
Of satisfaction and disappointment

The flowers are dead
The season has passed
As are the stories
Books closed
Packed and shipped away

Another cycle will come
Of flourish and fade
Pleasure in solitude
Sorrow in laughter

Fresh flowers will bloom
New stories to be told
The beauty of memory
The mystery of future
So be it
And faith remains

Thursday, May 25, 2006

confined to the home

It's gorgeous out...
Hot (86 F), with a little bit of wind
But what do they say?
Stay away
A severe thunderstorm is coming
Deadly lightning at risk
Seek shelter
Keep a distance from windows

It's not even raining outside
Still... I've restrained myself
Nobody wants to get stuck in bad weather

Warnings...oh warnings...
Getting the better of you
If only they came at the right place
the right time
the right instances

Maybe they do
You just don't care to listen
You just don't want to

Jerry Maguire

another one of my faves

Secret Garden-the Jerry Maguire Soundtrack (Bruce Springstein)

"I was just about to tell you
That I love him
I do!
I love him...
I love him
And I don’t care what you think
I love him for the man he wants to be
And I love him for the man that he almost is
I love him Laurel
I love him...I love him"

She'll let you in her house
If you come knockin' late at night
She'll let you in her mouth if the
Words you say are right
If you pay the price
She'll let you deep inside
But there's a secret garden she hides

"You’ve got to be fair to her
She loves you
If you don’t love her
You’ve gotta tell her"

She'll let you in her car
To go drivin' round
She'll let you into the parts of herself
That'll bring you down
She'll let you in her heart
If you got a hammer and a vise
But into her secret garden, don't think twice

You've gone a million miles
How far'd you get to that place where
You can't remember and you can't forget
She'll lead you down the path
There'll be tenderness in the air
She'll let you come just far enough
So you know she's really there
She'll look at you and smile
And her eyes will say
She's got a secret garden
Where everything you want
Where everything you need
Will always stay a million miles away

"I’m not letting you get rid of me
How about that
I’m the smart one
I love you
You complete me
… "

"Shut up
Just shut up
You had me at hello
You had me at hello"

Monday, May 15, 2006

day 2

because it was raining yesterday, we didn't have a chance to take pictures up & around campus. so that was exactly what we did after lunch today.
the graduate (where's mr(s) robinson?)graduate @ the gate

so i wanted to take a picture of me jumping with joy, but after numerous attemps we have concluded that i'm not a very good jumper. my jump pictures look as horrid as floating ghosts, so to respect our 13 & below audience, i have decided not to post them here

here's paksi - showing me how to jump

the jump with radityo

the jump with margretta

the walkway

the almamater

the altgeld

the motherly figure

the memorial stadium

the honda (a tribute to yudi)

ciyee2 gw!

so, sunday may 14th 2006, i walked with 13 other advertising masters in the college of communication - u of i graduation. it was a cool and chilly day.

the day started when etta came by to help me get dressed. i wore a semi-kebaya with a sarong that took calculation and determination to put on. thank god, etta was there or i would've driven myself crazy.

costume & make up by etta suretta... :D

went to campus with alex & susie and we then lined up with all the other grads: jennifer, holly, whitney, derek, keelah, julie, double-brett, keelah, sukwoo, helen and wil. too bad the camera was with my friends, so we didn't take any pics beforehand (not such a smart decision)

the ceremony itself was pretty entertaining, cuz our speaker, a u of i alumn, an exec vp at anheuser-busch ran his bud ads and played a real cool spoof on the real men of genius ad just for us comm-grads. so, i can say by far, it was one of the koolest graduations i've ever been to.

by the time the procession was over it was raining out, and my fellow graduates disappeared. i looked for my indo family first, finding them to still be in the auditorium. so we took pictures & stuff and finally headed for FLB for some punch and cookies. Evidently all my friends had left. ran into sukki and pv on their way out and took pics. it sucked that i couldn't take pics with all my friends. but the weather was so unaccomodating that everybody just seemed to want to get away.

so somebody insisted to include the vase in the picture

thanks for the gorgeous flowers luvs...but really that vase was extremely heavy - certainly got my biceps to work hard!

on the quad with the ayong fam, mr. nugraha & ms. angdjasrin

with my super-funkeh prof, pv-he's bending his knees, in reality he's twice my height!

the girls (smile bebeh)

the day before @ ms. budiman's graduation

Thursday, May 11, 2006

3 movies 3 soundtracks

Something to remember my projects by...grrr

PUTERI GIOK (ancur berat deh nih film)

Kebyar(-kebyar) - Gombloh

Indonesia ...
merah darahku, putih tulangku
bersatu dalam semangatmu

Indonesia ...
debar jantungku, getar nadiku
berbaur dalam angan-anganmu

kebyar-kebyar, pelangi jingga

biarpun bumi bergoncang
kau tetap Indonesiaku
andaikan matahari terbit dari barat
kaupun tetap Indonesiaku
tak sebilah pedang yang tajam
dapat palingkan daku darimu
kusingsingkan lengan
rawe-rawe rantas
malang-malang tuntas
denganmu ...

Indonesia ...
merah darahku, putih tulangku
bersatu dalam semangatmu

Indonesia ...
debar jantungku, getar nadiku
berbaur dalam angan-anganmu

kebyar-kebyar, pelangi jingga

Indonesia ...
merah darahku, putih tulangku
bersatu dalam semangatmu

Indonesia ...
nada laguku, symphoni perteguh
selaras dengan symphonimu


Waktu Kan Menjawab - warna

Usahlah bertanya
Aku memang sayang
Hanyalah namamu terpatri dihatiku
Janganlah gelisah
Aku sungguh cinta
Hanya disampingmu inginku bersama....kasih
Hingga langit memudar
Pusat tak lagi berawan
Hingga akhir dunia

Reff :
Biarkanlah hari berselang malam
Seribu gelap berganti terang
Waktu kan menjawab
Hanya dirimu satu cintaku

Mengapakah harus bertanya
Dalamnya cintaku
Tak kupunya jawaban
Hanyalah waktu kan menjawab semua


Gak tahu judulnya apah - okta featuring eross
sampaikanlah pada ibuku
aku pulang terlambat waktu
aku akan menaklukan malam
dengan jalan pikiran ku

sampaikanlah pada bapakku
aku mencari jalan atas semua keresahan keresahan ini
kegelisahan manusia
malam yang dingin…..

** tak pernah berhenti berjuang
pecahkan teka teki malam
tak pernah berhenti berjuang
pecahkan teka teki

keadilan huuuuuu….
berbagi waktu dengan alam
kau akan tau siapa dirimu yg sebenarnya
hakikat manusia


keadilan… 2X

aku terlusuri jalan yg setapak ini
semoga ku temukan jawaban
aku terlusuri jalan yg setapak ini
semoga ku temukan jawaban jawaban2x… ohhhh ohhh….

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Me & Sis

When we were young, people could tell us apart instantly. My sis was the extrovert and I was the introvert. She was the wild sassy one, doing cartwheels and always prancing around for attention. She was opinionated, creative, and hard-headed (well that, I am too -- runs in the family). Anyway, my sis was the free sprit. I, on the other hand, was the calm witty one. I was always reading, dreaming and writing up fictitious stories. I was perceptual and controlled. Generally speaking, she was the fun crazy one. I was the smart boring one.

you should know by now who's who

Then somewhere along the lines, things started to shift. I’m still the bland one, not caring too much about how I look and what I wear-for example, and in the eyes of some people I know, I’m still overly reserved. But somehow my sister and I seemed to have picked up a twisted value system.

Relatively speaking, I’m the risk taker, she’s the risk averse.
I speak without thinking, more of the I’m the feel-and-do without thinking
My sis on the other hand seems to have become the wise think&think again kind of person.

While she always seems to be the politically and ethically correct
I can only strive to be one
And up to this point, I must admit I’m only hypocritically succeeding
(apa kata ibu-ibu nanti?)

So in all of my endeavors,
she’s the one who tells me to stand by the river when the currents are strong, but I’m the one that goes jumping into the wavy waters anyway.
She’s the one who sticks to the lines, while I tend to stretch the lines a bit (or a lot).
She’s the level headed one, while I’m the pathetic romantic.

Although I am scared of every single feathered being on the face of this earth
(In biology they fall under the taxonomy of Aves)
I still believe in flying, and flying high.
And if I ever have to fall because that, I fall hard – flat on the face.
At least by flying I can see the view from up above.
One I would never see if I never take the jump.

I don’t know which way is right, or which way is better.
But I know that if I never jump, I never learn my lessons.
Then again, as hard as it is for me to admit, she’s been pretty correct in reading the consequences of my preferences.
I've experienced my thrills and paid the prices that came along with them
Had I listened to her I might've saved myself a few tea bags
There are no regrets though

But when another round comes along, should I listen to her sensible views? Or should I stick with my questionable senses?
Should I stay behind the line or risk the tides?
Yet, I thank her now and again.
For always bringing me back to reality
For facing me with bitter truths that everybody hates to hear.
I become more mindful
But I’ll always choose to walk the tight rope
Experience the exhilaration
And accept risk of failing
(Except when it comes to the case of getting heavily intoxicated and dealing with a whole week of unbearable irritation; that I’ve learned my lesson well, and that I think my sis is so much better at ;P )
Cuz life just ain’t that fun when you stand in the sidelines

Thanks Sis!


It's 7:57 am, as I type this entry. I haven't slept since waking up from a short 1.5 hour nap at 00:00 am. At this rate, I can't help but imagine that one of these days, I would get up from my seat and just fall to the ground. Strangely enough, I haven't been that sleepy. Maybe it's the coffee or just plain determination that's keeping me up. Well, whatever it is, I still have keep this pace till Friday. Six days to go. At least I got one freaky paper out of the way. Working on my second project, the website, is nice for a change, but I can't dedicate too much time on the only fun thing I'm working on. The coming week another paper (that I haven't laid a finger on yet) is awaiting to be made. Oh shoot! I forgot about grading 80 exams (at least I'm sharing that with E!) and 10 papers by the end of the week. Is it do-able? I really don't know. One thing's for sure, I can use a bit of luck, and a lot of energy. I'm in over my head!!! Please don't let me disintegrate too soon. I just need to be on my feet till the 12th. I can collapse anytime after that. Well not on the 14th though, since I'll be graduating then. But I can't even think that far ahead yet. I'm just taking things day by day. Trying not to panic (although on paper/screen it looks even scarier) and sticking to my schedule.Something...someone...somewhere...somekind of heavenly power, please help me get through this.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

After the last day of class

After an early supper in our last ADV 587 class, Susie, Mihyun, and I managed to take some quick pics on the bright gorgeous Quad.

with Mihyun who is leaving today for summer break in Korea...
with the best and only roommate I've ever had, Susie made me some noodle soup when i was sick last nite ;)
well actually Nad-nad used to make really great Indomie Goreng for me, but we were neighbors at Permata, not roomates (right?), so u still get credit for ur Indomie Nad! Huehehe...
the three of us on the Q

brand morocco

we're done. there it is... the fruit of our insane labor.

(i know...i i have nothing better to do than to upload pictures of my group reports! but it's just such a beauty, that i couldn't help myself)


Geez... I wonder if I suffer from ADD (attention deficit disorder). I doubt it, though something seems to magically appear every time I have a paper soon to be due, but not so due. Hueheheh.

So.. tonight I'm hung up on this song: She (Tous Les Visages de L'Amour)
Elvis Costello - from the Notting Hill Soundtrack

it's really calming, woos me to sleep, which actually is not so good for me at this time.

She may be the face I can't forget
The trace of pleasure or regret
Maybe my treasure or the price I have to pay
She may be the song that summer sings
May be the chill that autumn brings
May be a hundred different things
Within the measure of a day

She may be the beauty or the beast
May be the famine or the feast
May turn each day into a Heaven or a Hell
She may be the mirror of my dreams
A smile reflected in a stream
She may not be what she may seem
Inside her shell....

She, who always seems so happy in a crowd
Whose eyes can be so private and so proud
No one's allowed to see them when they cry
She maybe the love that cannot hope to last
May come to me from shadows in the past
That I remember 'till the day I die

She maybe the reason I survive
The why and wherefore I'm alive
The one I care for through the rough and ready years

Me, I'll take the laughter and her tears
And make them all my souvenirs
For where she goes I've got to be
The meaning of my life is
Oh, she....

something about the chair

These last few days (and the next days to come days actually) has been absolutely stressing for me. Well, it serves me right for procrastinating a whole semester’s worth of work – something I’ve been really good at for some time. Anyway, the craziness level of my work has been balanced by the chaos in my room. So, after keeping him in my closet for an entire year, I finally put my beloved red mushroom chair into use. Again he serves his main purpose: for me to put all my junk on. Now everything that would’ve been on the floor is now neatly tucked under a blanket covering the chair. Pheeew…

I Love Chicago (Although I Love NY Even More) are my 4 season touristy pictures in Chicago. Yang ini foto2 rada narsis. Besok gw post foto2 rame2nya deh.

my fave li'l nook in downtown chi; ghirardelli & borders @ d watertower

new chinatown

lincolnshire: katanya chicago, tapi kok jauh ya
nah kalo yang ini deketan dikit: lincoln park zoo
state st.


shedd aquarium, et. al.

millenium park after a blizzard

chicago skyline

mich ave & water tower

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Calling Home

Call to Jakarta

Marni: Halo, selamat siang.
Ange : Halo Mbak, Ibu ada?
Marni: Mbak Ajeng yah? Wah Ibu lagi ke Jogja, Mbak.
Ange : Oooh, ok. Minta nomor telpon Jogja lagi dong Mbak.
Marni: Sebentar ya Mbak. (Marni berlarian memanggil Marsih. In the background:
Mbaaaak…. Nomor telpon Jogja piro yo???)
Halo mbak, ini nomornya: 0274-450-xxx
Ange : Ya udah…makasih ya mbak!

(SIGH #1)

Call to Rumah Jogja

Dad : Halooo!
Ange : Hi Dad! What’s up? It's me!
Dad : Ajeng, gimana, ada apa?
Ange : Gak papa, iseng aja, lagi bosen. Katanya Papa mau ke Malaysia, kok di Jogja?
Dad : Ke Malaysia kan masih minggu depan.
Ange : Ooooh.
Dad : Waah Mama lagi pergi nih Jeng. Lagi belanja. Kemarin tas Mama yang isinya
makanan, gak kebawa dari Jakarta.
Ange : Hah?
Dad : Iya, nggak kebawa di bagasi sama pesawat.
Ange : Ooooh.
Dad : Jadinya Mama lagi belanja makanan. Mungkin baru balik sejam lagi. Ini papa
lagi ngajar.
Ange : Hah kok di rumah?
Dad : Iya, ada mahasiswa datang dari Solo buat konsultasi.
Ange : Ooooh, ya udah deh. Salam buat mama ya….
Dad : OK, take care, luv u!
Ange : Luv u!
(SIGH #2)

Call to Mom’s Cell

Mom : suara ribut2 in the background
Ange : Mamaaaa!!!
Mom : Eeeeh, ya wis ya…nanti telpon lagi yah??! (CLICK, HANG UP)

Hahhhhh??!!! &%&*^*(&$$###@@
(SIGH #3)

Huuuh…!!! So much for calling home.
Maybe gw emang di suruh konsen ngeberesin paper kali ya??
Tapi kok malah bikin blog gak guna gini yah?? Huehehe....