
Sunday, May 07, 2006


It's 7:57 am, as I type this entry. I haven't slept since waking up from a short 1.5 hour nap at 00:00 am. At this rate, I can't help but imagine that one of these days, I would get up from my seat and just fall to the ground. Strangely enough, I haven't been that sleepy. Maybe it's the coffee or just plain determination that's keeping me up. Well, whatever it is, I still have keep this pace till Friday. Six days to go. At least I got one freaky paper out of the way. Working on my second project, the website, is nice for a change, but I can't dedicate too much time on the only fun thing I'm working on. The coming week another paper (that I haven't laid a finger on yet) is awaiting to be made. Oh shoot! I forgot about grading 80 exams (at least I'm sharing that with E!) and 10 papers by the end of the week. Is it do-able? I really don't know. One thing's for sure, I can use a bit of luck, and a lot of energy. I'm in over my head!!! Please don't let me disintegrate too soon. I just need to be on my feet till the 12th. I can collapse anytime after that. Well not on the 14th though, since I'll be graduating then. But I can't even think that far ahead yet. I'm just taking things day by day. Trying not to panic (although on paper/screen it looks even scarier) and sticking to my schedule.Something...someone...somewhere...somekind of heavenly power, please help me get through this.


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