Do I Know?
The next time you look at your partner,
ask yourself this question:
Do I know this person?
Do I really know this person?
And the answer, will most likely be no.
A big n-o, as in NO!
You may know what he likes or what she doesn’t like
You may know his favorite drink or her most loved dessert
You may also know how he snores or how she talks in her sleep
And you may also know the downright nitty-gritty things
like how he likes his coffee or how she prefers her toast
But do you really know what’s running in his head when he gazes into your eyes?
Or what she’s really feeling when she’s showering you with her words of love?
Do you really know what he’s doing
when he’s busy working overtime?
Do you really know what she’s doing
when she’s on her over-the-weekend business trip?
Do you really know why he's so "into" working out lately?
Is it for the sake of staying in shape?
Do you really know why she insists on getting a second cellphone?
Is it for the sake of keeping up with technology?
The hard honest truth is that you don’t know, and will never know
And the plain bitter reality is that there’s nothing you can do about it
So the best thing to do is assume the good
And think of the best intentions
All you can do is trust
with your most thorough ability
There may be a time however, when you discover
that the people you think you know most, are the people you know least
and the people you love most, are the ones who hurt you skin deep
So if you eventually find out he’s been lying through his teeth
Or she’s been knifing you behind your back
You can only be guilty of being honest
Being openly loving
And being unquestionably trusting
ask yourself this question:
Do I know this person?
Do I really know this person?
And the answer, will most likely be no.
A big n-o, as in NO!
You may know what he likes or what she doesn’t like
You may know his favorite drink or her most loved dessert
You may also know how he snores or how she talks in her sleep
And you may also know the downright nitty-gritty things
like how he likes his coffee or how she prefers her toast
But do you really know what’s running in his head when he gazes into your eyes?
Or what she’s really feeling when she’s showering you with her words of love?
Do you really know what he’s doing
when he’s busy working overtime?
Do you really know what she’s doing
when she’s on her over-the-weekend business trip?
Do you really know why he's so "into" working out lately?
Is it for the sake of staying in shape?
Do you really know why she insists on getting a second cellphone?
Is it for the sake of keeping up with technology?
The hard honest truth is that you don’t know, and will never know
And the plain bitter reality is that there’s nothing you can do about it
So the best thing to do is assume the good
And think of the best intentions
All you can do is trust
with your most thorough ability
There may be a time however, when you discover
that the people you think you know most, are the people you know least
and the people you love most, are the ones who hurt you skin deep
So if you eventually find out he’s been lying through his teeth
Or she’s been knifing you behind your back
You can only be guilty of being honest
Being openly loving
And being unquestionably trusting