
Friday, March 11, 2005

Run with All Your Might

This morning, I saw a girl running with all her might trying to catch the same bus I had just gotten off of. Her cheeks were red, her hair flying in all directions, and her breath was out of place. Yet, despite all her great effort, the bus took off without mercy.

The same exact thing happened to me a while ago. It was early morning (according to my schedule, at least) on a January day. Lala called to let me know that Sting was coming to town. Not wanting to miss out on the chance to see Sting live in concert, and not wanting to run out of tickets, I instantly got out of bed and dressed as fast as I could.

Lala & I walked to the nearest bus stop and waited patiently in the freezing winter weather. The sun was nice that day, but the wind was harsh. Finally, the great “23” bus approached and we both couldn’t wait to get on. But funnily, as if it weren’t obvious enough how these two cute girls were ecstatic to get on - the bus drove by us…just like that!

So what was our next instinctive move? We ran and ran and ran…in that cold air, on those slippery streets with ice melting away. We didn’t think much, we just ran to catch the great “23” at its next stop about two blocks away. Alas... for the second time, at that next stop, the bus sped away, leaving us looking like two total idiots. Having embarrassed ourselves in front of a whole bunch of people , we didn’t have much choice except to laugh away.

Isn’t it funny sometimes? How our hard work can sometimes be so invisible? How we work day and night on a project, only to be overlooked? How we make a great effort to impress a person, only to have it go unnoticed? But also how we build great fears in ourselves, only to see that everything worked out right?

It’s like going to a great party or a prom, I guess. You want to look your best. You pick out a dress weeks before the event, have it altered and resized until it fits you perfectly. You choose your best pair of shoes and a matching handbag. You pay attention to every detail of makeup, the eyeshadow, the eyeliner, the foundation, the powder, the lipstick, the lipliner, the mascara…every horrid bit of it. When the time comes for you to enter the ballroom, you see that everyone is every bit as beautiful as you are. Everyone stands out in their own way. But then deep down inside you have this great satisfaction, that you’ve done your best, and shown your best.

It’s also like having a secret crush. You analyze everything: every word he utters, every remark he makes, every outfit he wears, every gesture he makes. You try to make sense of every single thing. You wonder about every story you tell him, how he looks at you, how he feels about you. And then, you gaze, and you dream away. Yet, you never know whether he ever thinks of you, whether he realizes you even exist. The classic crush. But again, you have that great tingling feeling when you catch a glimpse of him. That great soothing warmth, when you see him smiling at you. But no one knows that secret feeling. Just you and only you. Sweet.

So even if nobody notices how great you look, or how stupidly in love you are…is it worth the hassle? I say yes. Because then you have that great satisfaction in yourself. Knowing you’ve given your best shot, knowing that you can still dream and hope. And when there's nothing better to do about it... you laugh and laugh and laugh your heart out-until the pit of your stomach hurts so badly you cant laugh any more.

Never to let fear overflow you. Sometimes you get so caught up in worrying, in that negative enery that posseses you, that you can never enjoy anything in front of you. Don’t get overly obsessed over anything, cuz in the end everything will resolve itself. Even the damnest of problems. So don’t let your feelings dominate your logic. Easy to say… nearly impossible to do. Don’t let your dreams get in the way of reality. Cherish everything you own, everything you’ve been given. Your dreams are there to give hope, not despair. As long as you know there’s a rainbow after the rain, you always have something to look forward to :)


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