Quality Moves
I've had a stomach ache since this morning. It's not the ordinary stomach ache though. It's just that all the muscles in my lower stomach are soar from my yoga-lates exercise yesterday. It's the same thing you feel the day after you've had an intensive workout session, or you've just ran a marathon. All the muscles in your body are exhausted from being worked up. Geez... I never realized that just a couple of pilates movements could cause such an effect. Huehehe. It's like what our instructor said the other day: it's not the number of times or the number of hours you do the exercise, it's the quality of the movement that matters. Indeed, she's right. Only 5 times of 1 pilates movement and I'm soar to the stomach! I sure hope this means I'm strengthening the muscles in my tummy. Working hard to keep it flat, since I've gained a bit of weight. I guess I really do need to exercise more often. Good for toning the body. Huehehe.
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