oleh-oleh dari jakarta bay city
Iseng-iseng ke Iceworld. Pengen tahu gimana siiih mereka (Ancol Jakarta Bay City) ngejual es & suasana musim dingin. Well, jawabannya begini. Bayangkan aja elo masuk ke dalam kulkas besar, sebuah ruangan besar tertutup, tanpa jendela atau ventilasi yang cukup berarti. Di dalamnya diberikan dingin buatan. Kaya AC yang kelewat dingin. Tapi dinginya, dingin artifisial. Jadi inget frostbite di Salem, blizzard di Chicago, dan snowstorm gila di Champaign. Well, the iceworld experience cant get any close to those 3 experiences. Yang jelas, salju dari es yang diserut pake mesin gak bisa nandingin salju alami deh.
Now let's talk about the ice carvings inside. Uhm... I dont know where to begin. Can you actually call those 'carvings' art? Let's just say, my dad will not advise me to go there to "see" the replica of the statue of liberty. The only fun thing was the ice sled ride that we were able to go on. Yes... even full-sized adults (that means people bigger than me) are able to go on the ride.
Dont expect to stay too long though. The artificial cold gets to you after a few minutes. You can go in and out of the big fridge as often as you like (as long as you dont break/lose the paper bracelet they put around your wrist, but after going in twice you usually lose interest.
So was the experience worth it? Well, if you want to fill your day doing something out of the ordinary, you might want to give it a try. But if you expect to be awed, astonished, incredibally thrilled, or see miraculous works of art, then I'd advise you to stay home. You might get more of that by sitting in front of your tv the whole day. I tell you , I had a better time after Iceworld; sitting by the beach, staring into the ocean, starving, waiting for some people to break fast. Hehehe. Thank God for the luscious dinner at Bandar Jakarta afterwards.
Now let's talk about the ice carvings inside. Uhm... I dont know where to begin. Can you actually call those 'carvings' art? Let's just say, my dad will not advise me to go there to "see" the replica of the statue of liberty. The only fun thing was the ice sled ride that we were able to go on. Yes... even full-sized adults (that means people bigger than me) are able to go on the ride.
Dont expect to stay too long though. The artificial cold gets to you after a few minutes. You can go in and out of the big fridge as often as you like (as long as you dont break/lose the paper bracelet they put around your wrist, but after going in twice you usually lose interest.
So was the experience worth it? Well, if you want to fill your day doing something out of the ordinary, you might want to give it a try. But if you expect to be awed, astonished, incredibally thrilled, or see miraculous works of art, then I'd advise you to stay home. You might get more of that by sitting in front of your tv the whole day. I tell you , I had a better time after Iceworld; sitting by the beach, staring into the ocean, starving, waiting for some people to break fast. Hehehe. Thank God for the luscious dinner at Bandar Jakarta afterwards.
At 3:58 AM ,
Anonymous said...
tau ga seh cie, ternyata ice world buka cabang, alias snow world di sebelah Mal Artha Gading aja gitu lohhh, ex Elecity itu loh, busyeet dah, hrgnya 40rb dws,30rb ank2 pdhal di Ancol,smua pukul rata @50rb..qta niat bgt ya jauh2 ke ancol...anyways, pic qta ber3 ma dandi yg lu pajang paling bawah itu bakal masuk cosmogirl! loh..hehe siap2 tenar..
At 11:16 AM ,
ange said...
yah...gpp lah kan kalo di ancol bisa makan di bandar jakarta. btw, kok gw laper ya? jadi ngidam sea food abis2an. duh cg?? ancur...
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